Cloud-init bi-weekly status

Posted on Mon 22 July 2019 in status-meeting-minutes • 6 min read

Meeting information

Meeting summary

Previous Actions

The discussion about "Previous Actions" started at 16:17.

Recent Changes

The discussion about "Recent Changes" started at 16:23.

In Progress Development

The discussion about "In Progress Development" started at 16:27.

In Progress Development

The discussion about "In Progress Development" started at 16:36.

Office Hours (next ~30 mins)

The discussion about "Office Hours (next ~30 mins)" started at 16:43.

Vote results

Action items, by person

Done items

  • (none)

People present (lines said)

  • rharper (69)
  • Goneri (20)
  • meetingology (6)
  • Odd_Bloke (5)
  • metsuke (4)
  • ubot5 (2)

Full Log

16:15 <rharper> #startmeeting Cloud-init bi-weekly status

16:15 <meetingology> Meeting started Mon Jul 22 16:15:03 2019 UTC. The chair is rharper. Information about MeetBot at

16:15 <meetingology>

16:15 <meetingology> Available commands: action commands idea info link nick

16:15 <rharper> \o/

16:15 <rharper> #chair Odd_Bloke

16:15 <meetingology> Current chairs: Odd_Bloke rharper

16:15 <rharper> hi folks, welcome to another cloud-init community status meeting. All discussions and interjections welcome.

16:16 <rharper> cloud-init upstream uses this meeting as a platform for community updates, feature/bug discussions, and an opportunity to get some extra input on current development.

16:16 <rharper> our format is the following topics: Previous Actions, Recent Changes, In-progress Development, Office Hours

16:16 <rharper> anyone is welcome to participate, interject, make suggestions or ask questions

16:16 <rharper> we host the meeting every two weeks at the date and time indicated in the IRC channel topic ^

16:17 <rharper> #topic Previous Actions

16:17 <Odd_Bloke> o/

16:17 <rharper> We had a few previous action items to look at

16:18 <rharper>

16:18 <ubot5> Ubuntu bug 1832381 in cloud-init (Ubuntu) "vm fails to boot due to conflicting network configuration when user switches from netplan to eni" [Undecided,Incomplete]

16:18 <rharper> AnhVoMSFT was looking to collect logs from this scenario;

16:19 <Goneri> hey!

16:19 <rharper> it appears that getting an instance where the MAC address changes is harder so fewer folks trip over this; however, we agreed that cloud-init can track which renderer it used and if it switches it can clean up the config it wrote;

16:19 <rharper> #action rharper to update status

16:19 * meetingology rharper to update status

16:19 <ubot5> Ubuntu bug 1832381 in cloud-init (Ubuntu) "vm fails to boot due to conflicting network configuration when user switches from netplan to eni" [Undecided,Incomplete]

16:20 <rharper> The other action was to review

16:20 <rharper> This was completed the other week while we worked toward the 19.2 release; that branch is currently work-in-progress, awaiting feedback/changes from submitter

16:21 <rharper> that's all of the action items from previous meeting

16:22 <rharper> previous meeting status found here:

16:22 <rharper> #link

16:23 <rharper> normally at the status page; looks like we didn't push the logs there.

16:23 <rharper> #action rharper to followup with blackboxsw on pushing status minutes up to page

16:23 * meetingology rharper to followup with blackboxsw on pushing status minutes up to page

16:23 <rharper> #topic Recent Changes

16:25 <rharper> % git log --oneline --since 2019-07-08

16:25 <rharper> a02c0c9 (HEAD ->` master, origin/master, origin/HEAD) cloud_tests: updates and fixes

16:25 <rharper> 5498107 Fix bug rendering MTU on bond or vlan when input was netplan.

16:25 <rharper> b3a87fc net: update net sequence, include wait on netdevs, opensuse netrules path

16:25 <rharper> 060b1a1 (tag: 19.2, raharper/release/19.2, release/19.2, fix/fs_setup_custom_command_lp1801790) Release 19.2

16:25 <rharper> 07b1723 net: add rfc3442 (classless static routes) to EphemeralDHCP

16:25 <rharper> 1404817 templates/ntp.conf.debian.tmpl: fix missing newline for pools

16:25 <rharper> a785462 Support netplan renderer in Arch Linux

16:25 <rharper> a066ccd Fix typo in publicly viewable documentation.

16:26 <rharper> d9769c4 Add a cdrom size checker for OVF ds to ds-identify

16:26 <rharper> 9c47c68 VMWare: Trigger the post customization script via cc_scripts module.

16:26 <rharper> a24550a Cloud-init analyze module: Added ability to analyze boot events.

16:26 <rharper> a6faf3a Update debian eni network configuration location, retain Ubuntu setting

16:26 <rharper> e5f5421 net: skip bond interfaces in get_interfaces

16:26 <rharper> 217c893 Fix a couple of issues raised by a coverity scan

16:26 <rharper> biggest item in there is the 19.2 release

16:26 <rharper> #link

16:26 <rharper> a big thank you from the cloud-init team to everyone who helped contribute to the release

16:27 <Goneri> do you have time for a little BSD update?

16:27 <rharper> Yes, let's talk about In progress developement

16:27 <rharper> #topic In Progress Development

16:27 <rharper> Goneri: go ahead

16:28 <Goneri> #topic FreeBSD/NetBSD status

16:28 <Goneri> so there is two active branches, the first one is:

16:28 <rharper> #link

16:29 <Goneri> it has started with a tiny fix to address a configuration difference with FreeBSD (there is no chpasswd there)

16:29 <Goneri> and it's now a slightly bigger refactoring now, I believe it clarify the code base and I would like to land it like that.

16:30 <Goneri> a discussion is ongoing with rharper on the PR

16:30 <Goneri> second PR is

16:30 <Goneri> #link

16:30 <Goneri> this one is much bigger, and I've just addressed the last comment from rharper, I test it often and it works fine for me

16:31 <Goneri> if you want to give it a try, I pushed some pre-built images here:

16:31 <rharper> nice!

16:31 <Goneri> I test it with OpenStack and NoCloud, a friend who maintains CBSD also test it on Bhyve (FreeBSD)

16:32 <Goneri> finally, the last one is

16:32 <Goneri> #link

16:32 <Goneri> No active merge request yet because it depends on the two actives PR that I just mentioned

16:32 <Goneri> this patch brings NetBSD support (7 and 8)

16:33 <Goneri> I would like to work on OpenBSD later, but it's still a low priority

16:34 <rharper> Goneri: thanks for the update

16:34 <Goneri> finally, I've a bunch of scripts that I use to build my images

16:35 <Goneri> it's still rather raw, but I would like to integrate that at some point with your CI

16:35 <Goneri> that's all

16:35 <rharper> thanks

16:36 <rharper> #topic In Progress Development

16:36 <rharper> #link

16:36 <rharper> Adding a new datasource for Exoscale

16:36 <rharper> #link

16:36 <rharper> vmware user-defined-scripts

16:37 <rharper> #link

16:37 <rharper> Allow datasources to configure the order of network-config sources

16:37 <rharper> #link

16:38 <Odd_Bloke> I'm expecting to have a response to Ryan's review comments on that today, and whatever conclusion we reach shouldn't be too much work to implement.

16:38 <rharper> definitely

16:38 <Odd_Bloke> And then I'll have a follow-up to split apart the "cmdline" network data source in to "cmdline" and "initramfs", which are currently conflated.

16:39 <Odd_Bloke> (Neither of these should cause behavioural changes, they're just setting us up for some data source work down the line.)

16:40 <rharper> The threadpool branch is a more general approach to handle running modules async from the mainthread; there were some limitations depending on systemd; and there is a desire for more than just disk_setup to run async; this branch I'm working on would allow modules to be tagged async and they run in a separate thread allowing the next module to proceed; we then join at the end of stage to ensure completion of threads;

16:41 <rharper> any other upstream development I'm missing?

16:43 <rharper> ok, I think that's it then;

16:43 <rharper> #topic Office Hours (next ~30 mins)

16:43 <rharper> feel free to ask for help, reviews, discussions on any cloud-init items you're looking at.

16:44 <metsuke> Is Ubuntu the recommended, or most maintained, distribution of cloud-init?

16:46 <rharper> metsuke: hi; cloud-init in Ubuntu is the most-up-to-date as we're both the upstream maintainers (working for Canonical) and handle getting the latest upstream into Ubuntu images

16:47 <rharper> metsuke: we also help produce daily rpm builds for RedHat/Centos/Fedora in our copr repo

16:47 <rharper> #link

16:48 <rharper> #link

16:48 <rharper> suse's cloud:Tools keeps a really recent cloud-init as well

16:48 <metsuke> great, thanks for the info!

16:48 <rharper> sure

16:49 <metsuke> I'm looking to distribute standardized VMs to 100+ sites running ESXi so I'm trying to find the best way to do that =)

16:52 <Odd_Bloke> metsuke: If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to ask in here; we're generally around US working hours, for reference.

16:53 <rharper> yes, cloud-init can help keep your base image generic, allowing customization to happen at boot time;

16:53 <metsuke> thanks, I'm trying to do some preliminary investigation so I have an intelligent question to ask =P

17:15 <rharper> #endmeeting

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