Cloud-init bi-weekly status

Posted on Mon 30 October 2017 in status-meeting-minutes • 6 min read

Meeting information

Meeting summary

Recent Changes

The discussion about “Recent Changes” started at 16:04.

In Progess Development

The discussion about “In Progress Development” started at 16:17.

Open Discussion / Office Hours (30 mins)

The discussion about “Recent Changes” started at 16:30.

Vote results

Done items

Meeting summary

Vote results

Done items

  • (none)

People present (lines said)

  • blackboxsw (61)
  • smoser (10)
  • ubot5 (8)
  • powersj (6)
  • robjo (6)
  • meetingology (3)
  • rharper (2)
  • ckonstanski (1)

Full Log

16:03 <blackboxsw> #startmeeting cloud-init bi-weekly status

16:03 <meetingology> Meeting started Mon Oct 30 16:03:09 2017 UTC. The chair is blackboxsw. Information about MeetBot at

16:03 <meetingology>

16:03 <meetingology> Available commands: action commands idea info link nick

16:04 <blackboxsw> #topic In Progress Development

16:04 <blackboxsw> So, the last couple weeks have been fairly busy with Ubuntu an SRU processs for Xenial, Zesty and the new Artful release

16:05 <blackboxsw> our SRU process bug captures most of that work

16:05 <blackboxsw> #LINK

16:05 <ubot5> Ubuntu bug 1721847 in cloud-init (Ubuntu Zesty) "sru cloud-init 2017-10-06 (17.1-18-gd4f70470-0ubuntu1)" [Medium,Fix committed]

16:07 <blackboxsw> our teams uncovered at least one bug during verification testing

16:07 <blackboxsw> LINK

16:07 <ubot5> Ubuntu bug 1725067 in cloud-init (Ubuntu Artful) "cloud-init resizefs fails when booting with root=PARTUUID=" [Medium,Fix committed]

16:08 <blackboxsw> The former bug we have now resolved. This SRU will not be published until we resolve one other bug for EC2-specfic environments to ensure we retain behavior to always bring up dhcp4 on the primary nic

16:09 <blackboxsw> I don't think we have created a bug for the ec2 issue yet (it affects artful only) instances with only private ipv4 addresses allocated will not have dhcp4 config'd for that instance

16:10 <blackboxsw> We'll link a bug for the above today

16:10 <blackboxsw> other work on cloud-init... paste coming

16:11 <blackboxsw> * Fix systemd mount target due to busy device or already mounted (LP: #1718287)

16:11 <blackboxsw> * Fix simpleteable object as output string (LP: #1722566)

16:11 <blackboxsw> * Fix netplan bridge stp boolean (LP: #1721157)

16:11 <blackboxsw> * Fix cc_ntp to allow empty configuration "ntp:". Fix ntp integration test to provide valid empty ntp config (LP: 1724951)

16:11 <blackboxsw> * Fixed cc_lxd to allow for missing bridge definitions in lxd cloud-config

16:11 <blackboxsw> * Dropped fastestmirror plugin for CentOS tests

16:11 <blackboxsw> * Numerous test and CI stability improvements

16:11 <ubot5> Launchpad bug 1718287 in cloud-init "systemd mount targets fail due to device busy or already mounted" [High,Fix committed]

16:11 <ubot5> Launchpad bug 1722566 in cloud-init "ci-info: <cloudinit.simpletable.SimpleTable object at 0x7fa98d222748>" [Medium,Fix committed]

16:11 <ubot5> Launchpad bug 1721157 in cloud-init "netplan render drops bridge_stp setting" [High,Fix committed]

16:11 <ubot5> Launchpad bug 1724951 in cloud-init "Ntp schema definition permits empty ntp cloud-config, but code disallows" [Medium,In progress]

16:13 <blackboxsw> Also we got a couple of gentoo commits from ckonstanski to Use "rc-service" rather than "service". Thanks again

16:13 <rharper> \o/

16:14 <ckonstanski> You're welcome, though those were just tiny toy commits to get me indocrinated into the launchpad process. Getting NTP tests to work in gentoo will be more significant.

16:15 <blackboxsw> ckonstanski: testing always is time-consuming, but totally worth it. We are still trying build our unit test coverage up so we don't get suprises on different platforms/clouds when sparsely tested modules run. Thanks again

16:16 <blackboxsw> oops sorry about the topic for the above ... that should have been the following

16:16 <blackboxsw> #topic Recent Changes

16:16 <blackboxsw> anything else for recent changes that have landed rharper powersj or others?

16:17 <powersj> nope

16:17 <rharper> blackboxsw: not yet

16:17 <blackboxsw> ok then let's move to next topic

16:17 <blackboxsw> #meetingstatus In Progress Development

16:17 <blackboxsw> for real.

16:18 <blackboxsw> ok so we are wrapping up that one Ec2 bug that was raised by Sargun on friday (which affects Artful)

16:18 <blackboxsw> When we have that branch in place, we can kick our final validation of the cloud-init 17.1 updates to Xenial Zesty and Artful.

16:19 <blackboxsw> I know smoser just uploaded cloud-init to the newly opened Bionic release as well

16:19 <blackboxsw> We will be hitting the review queue a bit this week to wrap up content that we want landed once master is open for more dyna

16:20 <blackboxsw> We will be hitting the review queue a bit this week to wrap up content that we want landed once master is open for more significant changesets

16:21 <blackboxsw> we've been a little risk averse during the SRU release process

16:21 <blackboxsw> As always please watch our trello board for progress on anything we are working

16:21 <blackboxsw> LINK

16:22 <powersj> need that #

16:22 <blackboxsw> #LINK

16:22 <blackboxsw> ahh thanks oops

16:23 <robjo> speaking of reviews thanks for the help so far blackboxsw , now that my schedule should be a bit less crazy I'd like to get back to

16:23 <blackboxsw> Our focus as well for the upcoming work in cloud-init is to increase continuous integration coverage and tooling around cloud-init to make sure we can keep delivering stability across releases

16:24 <robjo> since I cannotreproduce the issue the bot has locally and I don't really understand the problem some more help is needed

16:24 <blackboxsw> ahh hiya robjo

16:24 <powersj> that looks merged

16:24 <blackboxsw> robjo: good to hear, we'll watch for updates.

16:25 <powersj> smoser went and fixed the flake8 issues

16:25 <blackboxsw> robjo: do you mean another branch?

16:25 <robjo> blackboxsw: no, that branch, but bot thinks " Needs Fixing ", I just don't get why

16:26 <blackboxsw> yeah per robjo's work cloud-init folks can also configure zypper repos . We landed it Sept 21st. (So it's in cloud-init 17.1)

16:26 <blackboxsw> commit cc1475d07b9d0727012634ee9c7a914d67b051f5

16:26 <blackboxsw> Author: Robert Schweikert <>

16:26 <blackboxsw> Date: Thu Sep 21 11:58:28 2017 -0400

16:27 <robjo> Oh, so it did get merged, missed that, never mind

16:27 <blackboxsw> as powersj mentioned, I think it was a flake8 CI test issue, so we just fixed the minor issue and landed it as it wasn't a significant content change

16:28 <powersj> cloudinit/config/ H306: imports not in alphabetical order (cloudinit.util, cloudinit.config.schema.get_schema_doc)

16:28 <robjo> much appreciated, still a bit concerning that the flake8 issue did not show up locally :(

16:28 <blackboxsw> thx powersj

16:29 <powersj> is correct way

16:29 <robjo> SO flake8 has serious issue with the definition of alpha order :(

16:30 <blackboxsw> ;)

16:30 <blackboxsw> ok anything else for "In Progress Development" if not we'll transition to the next topic

16:30 <blackboxsw> #topic Open Discussion / Office Hours (30 mins)

16:31 <blackboxsw> ok we'll hang out in channel if anyone has topics, bugs or features they want to discuss or need some feedback on

16:35 <blackboxsw> and as always thanks for contributions folks. It's really great to work on a project where there is so much interest and investment

16:42 <smoser> blackboxsw: hey. i'm back now. did you open a bug?

16:42 <smoser> i can do so now if you have not.

16:43 <blackboxsw> smoser: I haven't done that yet, was just working out the fix

16:43 <blackboxsw> please do, then we can link it here

16:43 <smoser> ok. i'll do so. and i realized a comment you were making about artful.

16:43 <smoser> that we could go leave artful configuring all nics it saw.

16:43 <blackboxsw> right, because we allow change of behavior in artful right?

16:44 <smoser> as that isn't necessarily "broken" behavior.

16:44 <smoser> yeah. i didnt understand that when you said it.

16:44 <blackboxsw> ahh, I get you. Right, just that the new behavior of configuring all nics is acceptable as new behavior, but not for Xenial. It's just that artful is slightly busted for local-only ipv4

16:45 <smoser> i think it might be easiest both in terms of fixing and in terms of keeping things in our head if we just keep the same behavior everywhere for now.

16:46 <smoser> that is... make artful act like xenial in only configuring one nic

16:48 <smoser> blackboxsw: actually i dont think there is any reason why we shoudlnt just use bug 1728152

16:48 <ubot5> bug 1728152 in cloud-init "IPv4 and IPv6 Dual Stack Does Not work when instance is not assigned public IPv4 address" [High,In progress]

16:48 <smoser> unless you disagree

16:51 <blackboxsw> +1 smoser

16:52 <blackboxsw> lets use that bug

16:59 <blackboxsw> #LINK

16:59 <ubot5> Ubuntu bug 1728152 in cloud-init "EC2 IPv4 and IPv6 Dual Stack Does Not work when instance is not assigned public IPv4 address" [High,In progress]

16:59 <blackboxsw> ok looks like we are good for the status meeting

17:00 <blackboxsw> thanks for joining all. see you in two weeks

17:00 <blackboxsw> #endmeeting

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